With all that nature has to offer throughout the state, owning land in Minnesota is a pleasure many enjoy. In fact, privately owned land covers more than 75 percent of the state.

Those who own land in Minnesota also play a vital role in protecting Minnesota's diverse habitats.

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resouces counts on everyone to work together when special needs arise, such as helping to implement deer feeding and attractant bans. This week, the DNR placed that ban in an additional county.

Minnesota Deer Feeding And Attractant Ban

The DNR announced this week it has added Aitkin County in a deer feeding and attractant ban to reduce the risk of chronic wasting disease spread. This decision was made after there was CWD detection in two additional wild deer near Grand Rapids last fall.

“The DNR uses feeding and attractant bans as a tool to reduce unnatural aggregations of deer and reduce the risk of exposure to CWD,” said Todd Froberg, Big Game program coordinator.

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Froberg added that the ban is implemented where it provides the greatest benefit to the health of Minnesota's white-tailed deer.

With the addition of Aikin County, feeding deer and using deer attractants is now banned in 24 Minnesota counties where disease surveillance efforts indicate a greater risk of CWD spread.

The following counties now have deer feeding and attractant bans:

  • Aitkin
  • Beltrami
  • Carver
  • Cass
  • Crow Wing
  • Dakota
  • Dodge
  • Fillmore
  • Goodhue
  • Hennepin
  • Houston
  • Hubbard
  • Itasca
  • Le Sueur
  • Mower
  • Norman
  • Olmsted
  • Polk
  • Rice
  • Scott
  • Sibley
  • Wabasha
  • Washington
  • Winona

You can view a map of counties included in the feeding and attractant ban by clicking the button above.

The DNR notes that it does not encourage the public to feed deer. Minnesotans interested in helping deer should focus on improving their habitat to provide long-term food resources and shelter.

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Gallery Credit: Dom DiFurio & Jacob Osborn