MNDOT Clears Trees Along Highway 73 North Of Duluth
Drivers along Highway 73 north of Duluth will want to be extra alert during the next few days. The Minnesota Department of Transportation is alerting motorists of their plans to clear trees along part of that route - November 16 through November 18 as preparation work for a future project.
The work will occur on the stretch of Highway 73 that runs just south of Hibbing, about a half mile south of Beauty Mountain and about half a mile north of County Highway 16.
According to the details being shared by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the tree clearing work will allow for an upcoming bridge replacement project that's currently scheduled to happen during the summer road construction season in 2023. Work crews will remove all of the trees that reside within the right of way along that stretch of highway.
Traffic impacts can be expected during the daytime hours; MNDOT is sharing that there will be shoulder closures within the work zone and moving equipment. Be cautious, observant, and slow down.
For more details on this tree clearing work or on the eventual bridge replacement project scheduled for Highway 73, visit the project page that's located on the Minnesota Department of Transportation's website.
In addition to the bridge, MNDOT will also be replacing an existing culvert that's deteriorating with a concrete box culvert. Total estimated cost is $2.3 million.
MNDOT work crews will also complete task work that will improve drainage in that particular area.
The project will also require a detour during the summer of 2023 - on Saint Louis County Road 18 to Itasca County Road 20 to Itasca County Road 16.