Duluth School District To Offer Free Breakfast + Lunch To Students During Closure
Duluth Public Schools ISD 709 announced Tuesday afternoon that they will be making free breakfast and lunch available to students from March 18 through March 27 during the scheduled statewide school closure in Minnesota.
These meals will be free to students 18 and younger weekdays, beginning with the start of the closure on March 18. The district says no paperwork is necessary, they just need to be present in order to get the free meal.
These free breakfasts and lunches will be served in school parking lots and from a school bus at a series of designated locations around the city. Bagged breakfast will include fruit or fruit juice, cereal or breakfast bar and milk. Bagged lunch will include a sandwich, veggies, fruit and milk. Students Any student from any school can pick up a breakfast & lunch at any location.
These schedules are accurate as of time of publishing on March 17. Updates are available here.
School Parking Lot Distribution
10:15AM – 1:00PM:
- Congdon Park Elementary, 3116 E. Superior Street
- Homecroft Elementary, 4784 Howeard Gnesen Road
- Lakewood Elementary, 5207 N. Tischer Road
- Laura MacArthur Elementary, 720 N. Central Avenue
- Lester Park Elementary, 5300 Glenwood Street
- Lowell Elementary, 2000 Rice Lake Road
- Myers-Wilkins Elementary, 1027 N. 8th Avenue East
- Piedmont Elementary, 2827 Chambersburg Avenue
- Stowe Elementary, 715-101st Avenue W.
- Denfeld High School, 401 N. 44th Avenue W.
- Duluth East High School, 301 N. 40th Avenue E.
- Ordean East Middle School, 2900 E. 4th Street
- Lincoln Park Middle School, 3215 W. 3rd Street
- Area Learning Center, 3rd Street Door, 215 N. 1st Avenue East
Other Distribution Sites
By school bus, which will remain at each location for about 10-15 minutes
Congdon Elementary Area
- 10:00AM N. 24th Avenue E. @ E. 3rd Street
- 10:00AM N. 36th Avenue E. @ E. 2nd Street
- 10:20AM Jefferson Street @ S. 17th Avenue East
- 10:20AM E. Arrowhead Road @ Vermillion Road
- 10:25AM Mygatt Avenue @ Livingston Avenue
- 10:35AM N. 16th Avenue E. @ E. 7th Street
Homecroft Elementary Area
- 10:00AM Drake Rd @ Kingston Rd
- 10:00AM 4107 Byer Rd W. Rice Lake City Hall
- 10:20AM Woodland and St. Paul
- 10:20AM Howard Gnesen Road @ Schultz Road
- 10:25AM 5025 Reid Road
- 10:30AM W. Owatonna St. & Ewing Avenue
- 10:40AM Rice Lake Rd Gnesen General Store
Lowell Elementary Area
- 10:00AM W. Orange Street @ S. Basswood Avenue
- 10:05AM Maryland St @ Warren Avenue
- 10:20AM Eklund Avenue @ Farrell Road
- 10:25AM E. 11th Street @ N. Lake Avenue
- 10:45AM Upham Road @ Windwood West Driveway
Lester Park Elementary Area
- 10:00AM Peabody St. @ N. 49th Avenue E.
- 10:05AM Flynn Road @ S. Cant Road
- 10:20AM N. 52nd Avenue E. @ Idlewild Street
- 10:20AM Gladstone St. @ N. 42nd Avenue E.
- 10:35AM Tioga Street @ N. 44th Avenue E.
Lakewood Elementary Area
- 10:00AM Maxwell Road @ Medin Road
- 10:20AM 3502 W. Tishcer Road Billy’s Bar
- 10:20AM Pleasant View Rd @ Frederick Street
- 10:50AM Lismore and McQuade Road, JR Sundburg Cont
Laura MacArthur Elementary Area
- 10:00AM N. 39th Avenue W. @ W. 5th Street
- 10:05AM Redruth Street @ S. 69th Avenue W.
- 10:20AM Main Street @ S. 57th Ave W.
- 10:20AM W. 5th Street @ N. 42nd Avenue W.
- 10:20AM West Gate Blvd @ N. 65th Avenue W.
- 10:35AM Ramsey St. @ N. 52nd Ave W.
Myers-Wilkins Elementary Area
- 10:00AM N. 11th Avenue E. @ E. 6th Street
- 10:00AM N. 6th Avenue E. @ E. 4th Street
- 10:05AM N. 3rd Avenue W. @ W. 2nd Street
- 10:20AM E. 4th Street @ N. 1st Avenue E.
- 10:20AM 805 E. 5th Street
- 10:25AM W. 4th Street @ N. 10th Avenue W.
- 10:35AM E. 8th Street @ N. 2nd Avenue E.
Piedmont Elementary Area
- 10:05AM W. 4th Street @ N. 25th Avenue W.
- 10:05AM N. 23rd Avenue W. @ W. 6th Street
- 10:20AM Matterhorn Dr. @ Matterhorn Circle
- 10:20 AM Restormel Street @ Michigan Ave
- 10:20AM N. 23rd Avenue W. @ W. 2nd Street
- 10:35AM W. 2nd Street @ N. 28th Avenue W.
- 10:45AM Karl Ave @ Harvey Street
Stowe Elementary Area
- 10:00AM E. Heard Street @ 98th Avenue W.
- 10:10AM 86th Avenue W. @ Concord Street
- 10:20AM 103rd Avenue W. @ W. Dickson Street
- 10:25AM Hilton Street @ 90th Avenue W.
- 10:30AM E. Dickson Street @ 97th Avenue W.
- 10:30AM Clyde Avenue @ N. 95th Avenue W.
- 10:45AM Riverside Drive @ Sunnyside Street