Superior Garbage Pickup Changes For Week Of June 28
Where has the first half of the year gone! We're already at the point where we celebrate Independence Day - usually more commonly referred to as the 4th of July. In order to accommodate the schedule, the City of Superior will be making changes to the garbage pickup schedule for the week of June 28.
In observance of the Independence Day holiday, the Superior Public Works Department will be closed on Friday, July 3. This closure will also include the Municipal Landfill.
To accommodate the closure, garbage pickup for residents in the City of Superior will be on an accelerated schedule for the week of June 28. Homeowners with a Monday route will see no change to their pickups. All other homeowners and route-days will need to have their garbage out to the usual pickup spot by 7:00 AM one day earlier than their normal scheduled day. (i.e. Tuesday would be Monday, Wednesday would be Tuesday, etc)
While the garbage pickup schedule is changing for the Independence Day holiday, the recycling schedule will not be. The City of Superior contracts for recycling pickup and service from Hartel's/DBJ; even with the Independence Day holiday, Hartel's/DBJ will not need to alter their pickup schedule for the week of June 28. For recycling questions, property owners are directed to contact Hartel's/DBJ directly at 218-729-5446.
For more information and details about garbage service in Superior, click here.