Downtown Duluth Street Sweeping Continues; Updates For May 4-5
Like the old saying goes - "what goes down must come up" - and it's the same for sand, grit, dirt, and grime on Duluth's streets. Officials with the City of Duluth are alerting drivers and pedestrians that the street sweeping season has started - the annual task of cleaning up what's left after the long, Northland winter. To make sure that dirt and grime and other forms of refuse don't end up in the storm sewer (to clog it up) or eventually make it's way into Lake Superior, the city does this once a year sweeping project to carefully and methodically remove what's left behind.
According to the latest update, city street sweeping crews will be working in the downtown area, Hillside, and Endion neighborhoods on May 4 and May 5. Here are the specific details for each days work:
- May 4: City street sweeping crews will be working on 3rd Street from Mesaba Avenue to 21st Avenue East.
- May 5: City street sweeping crews will continue their work - on 2nd Street from Mesaba Avenue to 24th Avenue East.
Work will begin on both days at 7:30 AM.
Included in the details about the work project details released by the City of Duluth is the fact that "[n]o parking signs have been posted in the affected areas and should be followed during street sweeping".

Additional dates and sweeping schedules will be released by the City of Duluth as the work progresses. Click here for additional details or to check out the news releases from the Public Works Department.
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