Twin Ports Interchange Closure Updates: April 19-28
It's "more of the same" inside the road work area of the Twin Ports Interchange (Can of Worms) along I-35. While drivers can expect to find orange cones and lane closures throughout the rest of the summer that fall into a general routine pattern, there are also a variety of short-term, temporary closures that will occur as the work progresses.
It's these short-term, temporary closures that Minnesota Department of Transportation is working diligently to keep the public informed of - so that there are no surprises. The next few weeks will see a variety of these. MNDOT has shared the following details:

Monday, April 19: Lower Michigan Street will close from 15th Avenue West to 23rd Street West. This closure will be in effect until later this fall - most-likely October. Once open, this section of Michigan Street will be utilized through the fall of 2022 to carry southbound I-35 traffic.
- Monday, April 19: Lane closures will occur on the Michigan Street Bridge over Highway 194/Mesaba Avenue between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM. A flagger or portable messaging sign will be in place. Alternating lane closures will occur under the bridge on the ramp to southbound I-35. (This work as originally scheduled to occur on April 21)
- Tuesday, April 20: Right lane closures will occur at northbound Highway 194/Superior Street and alternating lane closures will take place on Superior Street between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM. (This work was originally scheduled to occur on April 21)
- Monday, April 26: The ramp from southbound I-15 to eastbound I-535 will close for inspection. Motorists will be detoured. (This work was originally scheduled to occur on April 19)
- Monday, April 26: Southbound and northbound I-35 will undergo temporary right lane closures for bridge inspections between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
- Wednesday, April 28: Southbound I-35 just south of 27th Avenue West will experience right lane closures for bridge inspections between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
As always, MNDOT cautions drivers to be alert and to watch for changing conditions throughout the work zone. For additional details about these projects or any of the road work coordinated via the Minnesota Department of Transportation, click here.
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